A vibrant church of all ages, based in Haslemere
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Michelle’s fund

Seeking to support a family bereaved
We were shocked and incredibly sad to hear that Michelle Downes passed away suddenly on the 10th April, following a blood clot on the lung.  She leaves behind her husband and three young boys.  

We have set up this fund for the purpose of supporting Michelle's family at this time and, if funds are sufficient, for helping provide her husband with longer term support in caring for the three boys, one of whom has significant additional needs.

If you feel willing and able to contribute to this fund, it would be really appreciated.  Details regarding how to give to it and how the fund will be managed are detailed below.

The best way to give is via Bank Transfer:  
Account name:   3 Counties Vineyard
Account no: 91418572
Sort Code: 40-23-15
Ensure you quote reference as: ‘Michelle's Fund', so it goes into that designated fund.  

Once you make a payment:
Please let us know at office@3countiesvineyard.church so we can say thank you and let you know the total amount raised.  

How the fund will be managed:
One of our church trustees, who also volunteers for 3 Counties Money Advice, has agreed to distribute the funds to the family as and when needed, in accordance with its intended purpose.  

Thank you so much for supporting the family in this way.  

Got questions about giving?

If you'd like to ask us any questions about giving, please email us at hello@3countiesvineyard.church

Why we give

Dave Wright gives a talk on why we give. It can be accessed here
3 Counties Vineyard is a Christian Church
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