A vibrant church of all ages, based in Haslemere
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Call us
You can call us on 01428 653011 
(office is open Mon, Tues, Thu and Fri 9am-12:30pm)
Due to staff holidays the office will be closed on Monday 10th and Friday 14th June.
Email us
Get in touch at hello@3countiesvineyard.church
3 Counties Vineyard is a Christian Church
VINEYARD' is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The 'VINEYARD CHURCHES' logo, Vineyard 'grapes' device and 'VINEYARD' with 'grapes' device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.

Registered in England. Company No. 7490294. Charity No 1140214
Copyright © 3 Counties Vineyard 2021
A site by: huckstudio.co.uk